Don't trust me about my qualifications! Instead check out what former clients and colleagues think about me

Ohne einen guten Entwickler ist der Schritt in Richtung Digitalisierung schwer zu bewältigen. Wenn dieser Entwickler dann zugleich noch Know-how aus dem UX Bereich vorweisen kann steht einer Entwicklung mit ausgeklügeltem aber trotzdem intuitiven Design nichts im Wege.
Wir konnten Christian im Rahmen des Cross Innovation Labs 2019 kennen und schätzen lernen. Christian war von Beginn an Teil des Projektes und maßgeblich am Ergebnis des Projektes beteiligt. Die Zusammenarbeit gestaltete sich sehr angenehm, schnell und unbürokratisch. Zusätzlich konnten wir Nutzen aus seinem breit gefächerten, branchenübergreifenden Netzwerk ziehen. Letztendlich wünschen wir Christian nur das Beste für seine Zukunft und werden in für die nächsten Projekte einbeziehen.

With Christian we produced an AR experience for the "Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie" for their booth at the Web Summit 2017 in Lissabon.
It was a real pleasure to work with him on a personal an professional level. In his responsibility developing and programming the whole app (camera tracking, including 3D models and animation, working out a stable performance) he always was solution orientated by giving creative and technical input. He was always aware of the challenges, named them and found clever solutions.
Being a developer he really feels down to earth and definitely is not the classic nerd you would expect.
Hope to get the chance to work with you again soon.

Christian was a fundamental part of the team to realise an AR experience for the "Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie" for their booth at the Web Summit 2017 in Lissabon. He was mainly responsible for developing all relevant components in terms of camera tracking, 3D model integration and stable performance on iPads using Unity3D.
While he had to tackle numerous challenges to make the system run, he was always calm, thoughtful and very creative and capable in pushing the development forward within the given limitations. His reliability regarding the process and the results we were aiming for, he became a key factor in realising the experience we have promised the client.
Thank you Chris, looking very much forward to hopefully work together on an other project.

I worked with Christian on an AR app for the websummit in Lisbon 2017. He has a very strucuted clean way of working, it was very easy to find my way around in the project.
His code quality is great, we had almost no bugs during the development and the final build ran stable for the whole summit. I also highly appreciate his teamplay. We worked remotly, but he was always available when I needed something and supportive in helping me integrating my ideas in the app.
I would work with Christian any time again. He is great as a person and great as a programmer!

Christian is a clear recommendation! He's got brilliant soft and hard skills. His clear and sharp mind, solution-oriented behaviour, creative output and profound knowledge are pure gold to any production. We've been working together on a successful and large scale gamification platform on a very tight schedule.
Together we had managed to deliver the production completely in time, budget and quality. Besides client projects, we have been collaborating on social events throughout the gaming industry, so that I can finish my review on him with: he is always totally dedicated and a believer. If he doesn't like facts/options, he is not waiting to speak things out respectfully but frankly, and immediately helping to work on alternatives.
If there's a chance to get his talent onboard, never hesitate...DO IT NOW!

Christian is an outstanding and immensely reliable software engineer and developer. He is working in a very structured, clean and sustained way, and at the same time is a really comfortable and friendly guy to be around.
Most of the things in my career as a programmer, I've learned from him or with him - and I'd blindly work with him any time again.